My view

   Nowadays, listening to music on radio , on internet, on music videos , on your phone , Mp3 players etc., seems to be at one of the top activities that adolescents and young adults prefer to do either alone or with friends , as according to  Harris & Sanborn (2014) ,  is a “worldwide activity , that occupying between  2,5 and 5 hours per day for the average teen” (p.190).  Even , if music can be a tool of  “ mood management  or mood repair” ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 192) , such as reducing stress anxiety ,  and generally  bringing up some different types of emotions, being able to socialize with group of people that like the same music  ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 192) , it seems that the impacts of music regarding the content of the lyrics , the video clips , brings up different impacts such as misoginy , violence , drug use, etc. 
In 1990 , the themes of  “violence” ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 193)  and “misogynistic” ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 193), started in different types of music , such as in rap, punk and heavy metal, as well as music videos in 1980 started  to use women as sex objects , providing sexual and violent themes as well ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 193). Also it seems that a big amount of rap songs are promoting either in the lyrics or in their video clips the use of drugs, alcohol, blasphemous or obscene language, use of guns( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 195). According to Harris $ Sanborn (2014) the percentages of such themes in rap videos have the following percentages “ guns 59%, drug use 49%, profanity 73% , alcohol use 42% and explicit violence 36%” (p.195).
     However,the content of the lyrics and video clips seems to affect each one differently , since the content can be understood differently from each age ( Harris & Sanborn , 2014, p. 195). Teens for example , see the lyrics which their content  is more sexual with more love while adults see only sex.  Nevertheless , generalizing and sum up the main impacts of music in society, make us understand that for example in rap music the content is  usually referred to glamour lives , drinking , having money , using drugs etc.(Jackson,2013,para.2). As a result  teens from poor countries, and not only seem to find that the lyrics speak about their real life and how they can escape of that , fantasizing their selves in better lives (Jackson,2013,para.2), which leading them to have those singers as role models and start imiating their behaviors and wanted to be like them , being engage in sexually risk behaviours without thinking the consequences(Jackson,2013,para.3), and even though to misstreat women, according to the misogynistic ideas which are listening and watching too.

Harris, R. J., & Sanborn, F. W. (2014). A cognitive psychology of mass communication. New York: Routledge.

Jackson, N. (2013, June 25). What Influence and Effects Does Rap Music Have on Teens Today? Retrieved March 30, 2017, from


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